On the 23rd we went to my Aunt Charolette's house for dinner, where of course the BYU - Utah rivalry was brought up... as usual... *sighs* I personally don't care, but I think it funny how they think I do. *giggles* After a long time at my aunt's house we came home and started off preparing for the Christmas Holiday by watching our traditional Christmas favorite - Christmas Vacation starring Chevy Chase. After the hilarious lines that my whole family knows from that movie we watched Shrek the Third.
Finally on the 24th we had our own Thanksgiving Dinner which was prepared by me for the most part, I am proud to say.
On the 25th, me and my mom and sister went shopping for Christmas gifts. We ended up stopping at the T-Mobile Store and the whole family got brand new cell phones practically for free too! They are the Motorola Razor phones and they cost $50 during the Thanksgiving Holiday and then we sent a $50 rebate - so they were free!
The 26th was full of homework - not much to report there...
On the 27th my accident-prone-ness got the better of me when I was trying to re-load a mini-stapler. Yup, it is true, I stapled my right index finger. It is still a little sore but it is healing up nicely. What can I say? It's me! I'm Holly! Miss Accident-Prone-Holly
Yesterday I played at the Children's night that is traditional for UVSC. Even though the pep band was small, I still had a good time playing my clarinet. I can't get over my love for "Land of a 1000 Dances" it brings back such vivid memories from high school when the flutes and clarinets would all shimmy during the 6 measure rests.
I can't go on until I mention that while on the phone with Andy and JC, I was attacked with a hug by Brad. Wow, I could say so much more, but I will leave it at that...
Today was a pretty good day, nothing too exciting... I came down to school early because it snowed during the night and my sister wanted to leave early for work, therefore I was early too! I headed to the dinning room to have a bite to eat for breakfast, yummy bacon and eggs! After that I did a bit of studying and then headed to class, where I saw Brad again - sorry to report - no hugs (lol) I did get a rock and a high five though.
Well, I just thought I would update today so comment on whatever. PTYL!