
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Fun & Inexpensive Dating Ideas

So, in my institute class - Dating & Courtship (AKA Date & Mate) - we discussed fun & inexpensive dating ideas. My friend Brittany and I came up with a list of possible dates that are fun but don't eat a hole in your pocket. Here is the list that we made.

1. Dinner making and movie (fav veggis)
2. Childhood dinner favorites
3. Game night
4. Scavenger hunt
5. Church dance
6. Pet washing
7. Study date
8. Special smoothie (fav fruits)
9. Musical Chairs (fav music)
10. Cloud Watching
11. Star Gazing
12. Teach each other a new skill
13. Walking
14. Coloring
15. Face Painting

What are some of your thoughts? Do you have some fun experiences? What would you like to do if you could choose?

By the way, if you want to know more about any of my ideas, just ask about it (them) in a comment.

Lemme know what you think!

Blogging Later,
~Holly Elizabeth

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